At Key Retirement Solutions, we take great pride in our commitment to making a positive difference in the communities we serve. As part of our ongoing efforts, we are excited to announce our support for Meals on Wheels through our Community Cause Program.
Meals on Wheels is a remarkable organization that provides essential meals and vital support to senior citizens who may be unable to prepare meals for themselves. By partnering with them, we aim to contribute to these individuals’ well-being and quality of life, ensuring they receive the nourishment and care they deserve.
Through our pledge to Meals on Wheels for this cycle, we are dedicated to helping combat food insecurity and social isolation among seniors. Our team will actively engage in fundraising initiatives, volunteer work, and advocacy efforts to further amplify the impact we can make together.
Here’s how you can get involved! When you refer a friend or family member to us for a free insurance quote, we will donate $10 on your behalf to support Meals on Wheels. Your referral can make a difference in the lives of vulnerable seniors in our community. Each donation ensures that nutritious meals and essential support reach those who need it most. We can create a brighter future for our community, one referral at a time.